Sunday, 26 November 2017

52 - the year of the lobster

I will turn 52 years old at noon today. 

My day used to start with a customary 6 am morning call to wish me a happy birthday. This was started by my maternal grandmother and then by my parents. Over the years this had become a tradition, everybody used to get a 6 AM morning call on their birthdate. Maybe it was because it’s easy to remember who was born on a particular day when the day is new and bright, or maybe, because they just wanted to make the call and get it over with, but in any case on November 26th I was used to always waking up to a happy greeting after the also customary HOLY-CRAP-who-calls-this-early?!?!? tachycardia. 

But this is 2017 and we have facebook! and in its own dementia prevention way everyone is reminded to think of you on your day and most greetings and birthday wishes now are virtual because there is also texting, instagram, Twitter and snapchat. Soo, because I don't list my birthday on facebook I am doing my public anti-Alzeheimer's service to those of you reading this blog entry.

Reflections: last year; the year of the clavicle or as I like to think of it: "the year I became a lobster". 

This lobster reference because of a video sent by my Dad encouraging me to grow from the discomfort, like lobsters do when they grow too big for their shells. 

My lobster conversion required:

About 100 spin classes despite the broken bone, not too many runs this year, but countless contemplative beach walks. 

Many hours of poolside lounging and sitting on beaches. 

Lots of new stories.

Many new friendships and my appreciation of the old ones - THANK YOU! 

Incessant self reflection with my excruciatingly analytical self as well as my Excel "life data" spreadsheet. 

The pride of raising a decently self sufficient 2nd year University Student and letting him go and a still-at-home Grade 11 child with plenty of aplomb to speak his mind. 

A WORLD of knowledge about bed bugs!! 

Too few new hugs but a lot of PROUD nagging and cajoling to get the "Mum-length" hugs I did get. 

The ongoing practiced capacity to embrace vulnerability and ask for help. 

The ongoing need for self-assurance and the wisdom to walk away gracefully. 

The year of the lobster, the year of PATIENCE. I learned to slow down (a little) and attached a sticky note to my computer to remind me to “engage in faith”. EVERY day I read it and think: yes, except for some catastrophic events most everything turns out okay so BREATHE -  EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE. 

Let's do this again, once more around the sun. I'm off to spin.