Sunday, 8 May 2016

Advice to teenagers: Top 10 reasons your mother is IMPORTANT!

Top 10 reasons why your mother is ..... I was going to say important but since this is aimed at teenagers ... kinda cool?....  not so annoying?

1) They gave your mitochondria - kinda cool and KINDA important.

2) The grew you! (and avoided alcohol, raw fish, unpasteurized juice, excessive caffeine, need I go on?) SUPER important for you to have a good brain so also KINDA cool for you eh?

3) They pushed you out - SUPER cool for you and majorly crucial otherwise you wouldn't be here.

4) They made sure you were nourished and not ONLY out of evolutionary obligation but because they were KINDA invested in your well being. Oh yeah and cause they KINDA loved you by then.

5) They enrolled you in school cause they were already invested in this loving you business so it became a priority for you to use the brain they grew and protected (see #2 above).

6) They celebrated your accomplishments - this one just cause they LOVE you.

7) They helped you through difficult times - another one just cause of LOVE.

8) They make you do activities with them (walks, runs, biking, etc..) because science shows that bonds are neurobiologically based and they are hoping you will attach neurobiology to memories and thus keep them longer.

9) They respect your facebook, twitter, instagram, snapchat restrictions ..... cause THEY LOVE YOU!

10) They continue to HUG and TOUCH you (even after swanning and eye rolling) because ALL science shows this you make you live longer.

I hope you read this my two good eggs - I LOVE YOU!