Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Be prepared!

Today in clinic one of my patients asked: "How old are you Dr. Lopez?" Ever the developmental pediatrician I turned the question around and asked: "Well, how old do you think I am?" After sheepishly turning to her mother and her mother reassuringly telling her that she could answer the question she said: "Maybe about 80?" God. Bless. Her. Soul.

Last weekend, #2 and I were going out for a bike ride and as soon as I got on my bike I realized my back tire was flat so I turned to B and said "Crap B, we have an air problem" to which he quickly replied "Or .... do we have a weight problem?" I laughed and went to smack him on the head before I realized he had a helmet on and I would have hurt myself. Smart ass.

What is it about kids that they can so unabashedly put forth their opinion? Somedays I really wish I was 5 and had the opportunity to boldly say everything I am thinking. If you know me at all I am not one to go around life in full verbal restraint, quite the contrary. I say what I mean .... most of the time and I think also most of the time I do it kindly. I think, as we in the profession would say, have pretty decent social skills. Then again maybe I should take an official poll.

I run across people with all kinds of social skills (and lack thereof). If you read my facebook posts you would know that last week I was asked if I was high because of my fake blue eyes. This woman just out right asked about the weird size of my pupils. At first I thought .. hang on .. what did she just ask? And then I thought kudos to her to be bold and ask if the doctor treating her child is using drugs. I don't think I would have had the guts to ask myself frankly. Was it lack of social skills or gumption and assurance? I say the latter.

The secret here is the meaning one gives to the comment - think it funny and not insulting and it becomes fun and witty. Think it insulting and it's hurtful. Think it bold and forward and it becomes a statement on self-assurance.

So from now on I choose not to assume any wrongful/weird/odd intention in any comments and/or action. If I do not know what they mean - I WILL ASK! Be prepared!!