Friday, 15 February 2013

Lenten anniversary

I was reminded that it was last year during my brief, okay, very brief, foray into Lenten self denial that I started to write this blog. Happy Annivesary!

People have decided what they are giving up for Lent by now, actually they should be already 48 hours into their misery. Many of them chose to give up Facebook, god knows what they are thinking since we all know that one is a doozy. I know it's a doozy, been there, done that, okay done it for a few days - Did. Not. Work.

Besides how do we keep all of the Lenten facebook giver uppers accountable? For all we know they look at posts all day long in secret during their work breaks, furtively look at their facebook app under the table during important meetings, hide under the blankets at night and turn the phone on to check on us all or wake up in the middle of the night and sneakily take the phone or laptop to the bathroom because the withdrawal is unbearable and they are starting to shake and shiver thinking "WHAT AM I MISSING?" OH YEAH -- IT'S FACEBOOK!! Not that I would know how that feels like of course, I'm not some kind of weird facebook junkie :)

So here's the deal. There really is no need to give anything up, the secret is SELF REGULATION. So for Lent I will .... SELF REGULATE.

First, I will nag less ..... hhhmmmmm sitting here thinking and changing my mind about that one. Lack of nagging leads to lack of finished tasks that then become my tasks so..... no, forget that one.

Second, I will drink less Diet Coke ...... hang on that will make me cranky and I will annoy everyone else and make Lent miserable for them. Really, me drinking the right amount of Diet Coke makes everyone's life better so in reality it is a public service I offer to the world. No need to regulate that one, as a matter of fact - you are welcome people of the world

Third, I will eat less chocolate .... whoa! is that wise? I would hate to single handedly affect chocolate sales and bring the entire industry to a halt. Nope, forget that one too, it is absolutely necessary that I continue to support the world's economy.

Fourth, I will post less ..... wait people ENJOY my posts, another public service I offer (I'm thinking I deserve a well earned medal) so why take away my friends enjoyment and happiness for my own sick purposes.

Well, well, well, it looks like I am doing everything right. So to all of you reading this enjoy the next 40 days I know I will. And may I just say again - YOU ARE WELCOME!